Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Saw 3 Black Hawk Helicopters

this is gonna seem totally random, but i was able to utilize my growing fascination for [investigative] journalism and i followed up on something really strange that i've never seen before! at 10.30 this morning, i just saw 3 Black Hawk military helicopters fly right over my house!!! it was inSANE!!! holy crap!

i freaked out and tried to get a shot of them or something, but i was too slow to remember to grab the camera, and by the time i zoomed i didn't even recognize the dots any more. dangit!

i called the Marines office that had accidentally called my house yesterday lookng for a Joe Schmoe that had given our address for a free lanyard or pencil, and found out that (of course) the Marines don't use Black Hawks, so the guy i spoke with was totally clueless and suggested they could have been from National Guard in Terra Haute. but that's too far east for their heading.

i searched around online for other bases and found one south-east of Indianapolis, called Camp Atterbury. called their PR office and got put through to airfield. Airfield confirmed my suspicions that, yes, they were indeed headed for Chicago.

"thanks, i just wanted to check since i've never seen anything like it before."

now i'm left to ponder my next opportunity for journalistic greatness... don't know when that'll come along...

ugh, i can't wait for a cell phone... would've felt so much cooler calling from my cell, rather than the house phone!

PAX, ya'll! (oh dear... becoming Indianan)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know you are crazy, right?