It's been a while since I've faced a reality about the world and my place in it as big and life altering as the one I've realized today.
In Pakistan there have been over half a million people displaced by the American troops and the Taliban. I am an American Pakistani, so where does this leave me? If my family had not immigrated from Pakistan when my father was a boy, then one of those hundreds of thousands of IDP's could be me.
I understand that there are evils in this world that can only be eradicated by the help of our soldiers, but at what cost do we try to rid ourselves of said evils?
The men and women being displaced were families barely able to care for thier own children, and what will happen to those children now? Most likely they will die from injuries sustained, be left to die by the road side to cut back on family cost, or forced/sold into human trafficing to earn money. These are the harsh realities that already faced these kids, and we've just made it worse.
I could have been one of those children! For the love of God people wake up! We have to do something to change this world of ours. If we just sit by and allow the carnage, the genocide, the madness to continue, then we are the terrorists!
I mean think about it. If our ancestors hadn't immigrated to this country however many years ago, we could be those unfortunate children facing the world's darkest hours.
It is because of such realizations that I have decided that my ultimate goal will be to save a child. At least one child from a fate that could have been mine. I will not let my life go by without doing something to stop the insanity.
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