i read this on my friend Kristy's sister-in-law's blog...
i work at Target, pushing carts. i see a lot of bumper stickers in a given day.
i see this one a lot, surprisingly:
"i vote pro-life". an american flag waves in the background.
this sticker reeks of two things i hate.
1. nationalism (as a Christian recognizing a global family, christian and non-christian, this is elementarily disgusting and elitist as a concept--especially when it provokes war)
2. the term pro-life (which in-and-of-itself should be concerned with ALL HUMAN LIFE. not so, with the republican party, whom i would imagine they are meaning to show support for, by donning this sticker)
"pro-life" should mean what it says, but since there's not one political party (i can find) that dodges nationalism and a pro-death stance... i think it's BS to vote for any single party ALL the TIME!
don't tell me you vote pro-life. we can't vote pro-life. i can't vote pro-life, but i can try to influence senators and representatives and candidates for all positions of power to lean away from killing american babies too, since at least the democrats are less happy about killing Iraqi babies, so far.
i hate double standards.
get angry. tell somebody else. try to change things and REALLY work for a pro-life stance. right now, obviously not enough people are.
and yes, i have every intention of tagging every single person in my friends list. hopefully i'll get a reaction, sisters and brothers.
instead of "voting pro-life", elect to live pro-life!