Finally, a cluster-bomb treaty has been fully developed and is
being signed this week by nearly all of the countries in the United Nations.
let me quickly cite for you the description of a cluster-bomb, from the AP writer/Yahoo! News article above:
"Cluster bomblets are packed by the hundreds into artillery shells, bombs or missiles that scatter them over vast areas. Some fail to explode immediately. The unexploded bomblets can then lie dormant for years until they are disturbed, often by children attracted by their small size and bright colors."
these are not happy little toys that are harmless to play with. these are bombs that scatter foreign objects throughout the

human body for the explicit purpose of stopping someone dead in their tracks. they normally do just that, but to the wrong people...
"[A]ccording to the group Handicap International, 98 percent of cluster-bomb victims are civilians, and 27 percent are children."
and here's the thing about this treaty before the UN. among those nations refusing to sign it we find ruthless nations that have committed countless war crimes, censored and imprisoned their own citizens with little reason, and participated in terrorist actions around the globe.
three of these countries are as follows:
United State of America
...guess what? countries like Lebanon are signing this treaty. the Lebanese government knows what cluster-bombs are like and know that it doesn't want to let them float around the world freely anymore.
"Washington, Moscow and other non-signers say cluster bombs have legitimate military uses such as repelling advancing troop columns."
if you want to repel advancing troop columns, use bullets. they work, too, and don't have a possibility of delayed explosive injury.
maintaining the use of bullets as opposed to weapons such as cluster-f#@%s will not stop the U.S. from being a nation that utilizes terrorism to get what it wants. but hopefully without these shiny play-things governments like those of Russia, China, and the United States of America might actually have to grow a pair and face combat in a more courageous way, as opposed to all-out slaughter of the weak and vulnerable.
If the United States of America would like to look like a nation that honors freedom and democracy, then I simply demand that its government sign the treaty to ban cluster-bombs.
and i ask those of you reading, if you live in this country, try to help us look like a little less of the huge asshole we already are and demand an end to cluster-bombs, as well!
thank you.