but in all reality if you were to draw your sword in the face of a huge army and you began to charge, a lone warrior... it would maybe take one or two well-placed feathered arrows to cut you down. and you'd fall awkwardly, dropping your sword to your side, and be trampled over when the army comes through to rape your women and kidnap your children. they would put up a struggle, just as you did on their behalf, but they'd be the ones to likely get closer to looking into the eyes of the enemy. the ones who had the power to impact their memories of the massacre.
you're not achilles. you're not william wallace. you're not king arthur. you're not the warriors and heroes of old.
you're pulp under they're feet. but maybe you can still prick their sole/soul carefully enough to send them hurtling to the earth, beanstalk and all.
forget your images of victory. there's no need to needlessly fire off rounds into your enemy, in just the manner they did to your brother, and in just the manner they're sister's going to do to you.
there is not likely to be any victory within my lifetime. there may not even be any visible evidence that i've done anything. but i'm going to play my cards over and over again until someone up there gives something to someone down here.

"what the hell do you mean, man?! I can see the food in your hand! Just drop it to us!"
"What are you going to pay for it?"
"What?! pay for it?!"
"Of course you'll have to pay for it... it'll strengthen our economy!"
"Who's we?"
"All of us."
"Stop B.S.-ing us! drop the food and help us up!"
"Help you up? my people don't even associate with your's aside from touching the same moneys."
"what moneys? Brother, i've seen nothing of your moneys down here in a long time."
"Is that so? Well then stop being bloody lazy, you bastards!"
"Then at least drop down the ladder so maybe, just maybe, we can taste the bottom rung!"
"What are you going to pay for it?"
I don't know what i'm going to have to do to get up there, but I will not assume i am any better than my sisters and brothers in their freakin private jets way up there! i give you my word, my pact, my promise, i will play nice. if you will.
i'm not going to stop. you are killing my family. this is personal.
love and peace.
or else everyone else gets the "or else"
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