i'll live off the land, and in the homes of friends and family.
i am relinquishing everything i think i know, and living for one promise.
one purpose.
to give God glory.
to know Jesus.
to serve my Father.
whether in pious poverty, or in wealthy suburbs, Jesus must be known... God must be served.
so far, all i know is no matter what happens to me down the line... i'll be eternally thankful that i did not take the blue pill.
"we can do no great things, only small things with great love." -Mother Theresa
but maybe these small things done in great love can inspire great things with many small people acting out of great love?
is it too hard to believe that perhaps God really has a reason for all of us to be united. ALL of us.
i am a part of the body. the body is sick. God must heal my cells, as i must encourage the rest of the body to heal and grow, as well.
it's hard to assemble everything in my head. i will not assume i know everything. but what i believe in, i will chase after. those whom i trust in, i will join the fight beside.
this Jesus guy revolutionized things because he loved.
i wanna do the same.
evil cannot stand.

because it would be standing on my shoulders if i did not cry out.
not on my watch. not on our watch.
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