i don't know much about my future... i barely know my next step... i pray for incredible courage as i lift my feet to plant them in the straps of my sandals. once they are there and i take the next step, my fears will susbide and i will truly depend on you, my beloved and beautiful Adonai!
I pray that you will never leave me, although i already know that you have never even allowed an inkling of such a thought to occur to you.
I will depend on you and some of my brothers and sisters and your work through them to survive the rest of my life, my God, my King!
I will stand in your presence every moment of my life... i will bow at your feet and thank you and praise you for everyone you send my way.
i will thank you every waking moment for the beautiful and upright woman you have blessed me with as a companion. we will strive on, seeking you every morning.
i love my sandals, God, i love that once i put them on, i will have everything in the world. the clothes on my back and the bread on my table, or the water running between my fingers... God you will provide. whether i sleep under the stars or a roof made of drywall and plumbing, or plaster, or tin sheeting.... God i will ever be under your wings.
When i come home to you, leaving this earth, i will be most thankful, and i will really truly understand the depths of your love...
but i know that from the moment i put my sandals on, i will be with you in ALL that i do... God let your piller of fire-- your shakainah-- be ever present. and be unto everyone i know, everyone i encounter, everyone i love, exactly what you are to me-- my strength, my hope, my courage, and most importantly, your are simply my plan, God.
i love you, Adonai, and i thank you with every fiber of my being and every strand of my soul...
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