Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Change is drawing near, my friends.

We’re each beginning a new journey to influence the world and evoke some type of necessary change in one way or another. Whether our hearts lie in Africa, Asia, the United States, or ending poverty and apathy, protecting peace, or stopping any injustice in the world-we all passionately plan to MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Once provoked, it will not be stopped.

This change is not confined to merely the four of us. Friends, we NEED you. Without you, everything we will be striving for shall be in vain. Maybe you’re unwilling to fight with us because of fear, and if so, that is perfectly understandable. If I told you that I was not afraid, then I would be lying.

Just remember: “There is no fear in love.” And love is an essential element for our revolution.

So, brothers and sisters, will you help us?

1 comment:

Archer said...

i speak for myself at least, and possibly for the other members of the team when i say:

I'm steppin' up!

peace and love.