Sunday, December 9, 2007

-a really controversial political/ecclesiastical blog on Hillary Clinton-


Communist China.
Soviet USSR.
NAZI Germany.
Sharia Saudi Arabia.

Firing Squads.
Public Executions.

...or simply slander.

all these people, places, and things are closely correlated, in collected memory and common knowledge, with the reality of vast persecution. the very last (and seemingly least) on this list, is rarely measured as the same caliber.

but maybe that's all the persecution Jesus and his roving bands will get if Hillary is elected next year.

the Church is (or was) strong under all the regimes listed, in their respective locations. what if the Church would grow if it realized that Christendom didn't have a monopoly on the grand establishment of 'American Government'? ("Hail the con-qu'ring HE-ROOOO!!!" *trumpet blast*)

i wanted to vote for Barack Obama.
(even though he spoke of invading Pakistan)

i wanted to vote for Sam Brownback.
(even though he seems to have a beef against gay people)

i wanted to vote for Ron Paul.
(even though he seems to have no mercy on illegal immigrants)

i wanted to vote for Morgan Freeman.
(even though a great African American like him only stands a chance in 'Deep Impact')

i even wanted to vote for Jesus Christ.
(but Mom told me that would probably be a waste unless His second coming is inauguration day, 2009)

but, no... out of nowhere, while pondering the increasingly over-Christianite right-wing political climate of the U.S. ... God throws me a curveball, and puts a brand new name into this young voter's head.

yeah... hers.

Hillary Clinton.

i'm so confused. but i think maybe she'll have my vote.

i want to clarify this... somehow.

growing up, i was raised in a relatively conservative Christian home. i've had really close friends raised in very strict homes of the like. many of those friends have turned their backs on their old "faith" since it was more of a force-fed, indoctrinated religion. i stated once in a youth group setting, a few years back, that my biggest feared is an entirely Christian-run world. frankly, as i begin to understand american politics, that holds true more fervently than ever. i don't want to live in a Christian nation, just as i don't want to live in an atheist nation (like the former government in Albania), or under Sharia (Qur'an) Law, like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, and the northern half of Nigeria.

i can't see any of those places truly benefiting the heart the citizens have for their God (or lack there-of).

Jesus did not overthrow Roman occupation in Israel. Rather, Jesus did attack Pharisee religious leaders on nearly a daily basis.

Jesus attacked religious rulership because it left the Pharisees devoid of love for their beautiful Adonai!

i have a friend attending classes at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. she's recently written that she misses God. the late Jerry Falwell has set up his school in so distinctly a Christian frame that men and women stay on opposite ends of campus, and on only one day a year is any member of the opposite sex (aside from immediate family, hopefully) allowed into your dorm room, as a sort of 'Open House'. God is everywhere on that campus, and seemingly nowhere in the hearts of some of its students.

my friend misses God, on a Christian college campus in the Bible Belt of the USofA!

people say they’ll leave the country if Hillary’s elected. who knows, maybe she’ll deport half of us anyway... i know so little of her politics--except that she’s a caricature of the devil to so many right-wing Christians.

i think i’d rather leave a country under the rulership of Pharisees than abandon the strong and the few faithful, under Nero.

“So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.” -Paul’s letter to the members of the Church in Galatia, chapter 5: verse 1

if we are free to choose, will we not choose the Truth?



Anonymous said...

Good for you for picking a candidate, but (I know, the but with something against it, especially from a republican) she is a very corrupt person. Research her and her husband and you will find that most of her and her husband's friends, associates, workers, etc have died mysterious deaths. I dont think anyone can commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head with a shotgun. And yeah I know I am a republican but I would vote for a good democrat, in fact if Al Gore was running I would vote for him. But as for now there is no perfect candidate and I will make my decision in November 2008.

maggie said...

Hey asher. I stumbled upon your blog (finals week is kind of boring for some), and I felt moved to comment. You say you don't want to live in a Christian nation. Well, (if we're still coming at it as if you're an american citizen, which I think we are) you don't. Technically speaking, America is religiously free, open to all. The melting pot thing and all. Anyway, I just thought it odd, coming from you, because being Christian is simply to follow the Christ. So many professed Christians are nothing even remotely resembling Christians, and (no offense to people) Bible quoting and just talking about jesus all the time has nothing to do with being Christian. It's actions. Love. Sacrifice. Compassion. Etc.
So, just thought I'd share. I'm WAY all for religious freedom/tolerance (I find many wonderful things about most faiths, even the "evil" occult faiths, which truly preach of love and oneness with nature), but I find nothing wrong with a predominantly Christian nation. A Christian country is simply a country of Love--which, sadly, does not exist.

And there is nothing wrong with voting for a strong woman. God knows a sensible mind would be useful in the white house :D She may have her faults, but really--look who republicans voted into office last time (for being a professed Christian, no less--I dont recall Christ killing countless young people and civilians in a quest for power and oil...)! Corruption, sadly, is only another word for politics.