i am slowly strengthening my faith, and reading (very slowly and intermittently) the books of Job, Hosea, Isaiah, Proverbs, and i'm trying to start the book of Hebrews very soon.

Emily came over two days ago and our first "date" consisted of a long walk in the metroparks, stopping to rest on a log. we laid down, head to head, along the length of the fallen tree. i think i was stupid to lay down as i did, my head touching hers, as all the blood rushed to my head. she was the smart one who laid down so her head would be the upper-most part of her body! :) for me, it was the lower-most part of my body. i almost fainted when i tried to stand up!
the view from atop the log was beautiful... the sun was high and those little white fuzzies drifted through the trees like little angels, all moving in one direction with a wind i could not even detect. but still they sojourned steadily. except for that one really low-flying one that somehow caught my in the mouth. you know how that feels like you just bit the top of a dying dandelion. lots of spitting and flailing on my part after that :)
as we drove back home (just as we did on the way out to the park) we blasted some awesome music from a worship mix i'd made for her! it was stellar! some Superchic[k], some Aaron Shust, some Jimmy Needham, some Lost and Found... we've decided to go to an Acquire The Fire event together ASAP!!! which means that if i get to go to YWAM in Tanzania in September, my next shot at a nearby ATF is the late february tour date in Grand Rapids, MI! oh well. it'll be worth the wait!
there's something about the worship at ATF that's almost impossible to recreate anywhere else.... there's a nostalgic quality to it. maybe just because ATF and Global Expeditions are so responsible for who i am now... it rocks!
we came back to my house in time for dinner consisting of Papa Johns pizza and a scary movie haha!
one more thing and then i'll shut up for a while:
on Sunday night i met her parents more formally and went thru about the most rigorous "do you get to court my daughter?" session i'd ever been through (i actually enjoyed it!) i got caught up when they asked me about Covenant theology since it's pretty much what i've been raised in, so i don't really know too much of what's different, but yeah! the coolest thing was that her father asked me if there was any piece of scripture that really spoke to me recently.
and i actually had just stumbled into one the weekend before:
"Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and watched as the crowds dropped in their money. Many rich people put in large amounts. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins.
Jesus called his disciples to him and said, 'I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.'" -Mark 13.41-44
i'm drawn to it so much because it represents my struggle in this life. i have very little to give, especially financially, but i am willing to give all i've got to live on. God will provide.
(her dad was impressed ;p )
i think i passed the inspection!